A new direction

KNIVES illustration by EDIE EATS by Edith Dourleijn

Times are changing, and so will this blog.

Earlier this year, I founded creative cook co, my company for all my culinary activities. For now, I will focus on teaching cooking classes, private / team building events in the kitchen and inspirational talks on creativity in the kitchen.

But I will be open to other culinary challenges that will come along. Maybe finally write those cookbooks I have been dreaming of for a while now?

This website will change, deleted maybe. One day. So print your favorite recipes now they’re still online.

Thank your for reading and cooking along with me. I hope to play with you in a kitchen somewhere soon!


Time for a first: Bacon Spinach Kimchi Scrambled Eggs

Quick and easy Bacon Spinach Kimchi Scramled Eggs over Rice - recipe and picture by Edie Dourleijn | edie eats food blog

Kimchi. I knew it existed. I know people that like it. I know people that make it themselves. But for some reason, I wasn’t even remotely intrigued by it. Seriously, I never even tried it.

Then I had to teach it in a cooking class.

Making kimchi, means tasting kimchi, means eating the kimchi. That’s the short story how this Bacon Spinach Kimchi Scrambled Eggs over Rice came together.

>> Read here how

Would you dare to cook Pasta Peach Chicken for me?

peaches in a can illustration and recipe Pasta Peach Chicken by Edie eats Food Blog by Edith Dourleijn

Maybe it’s innocence. Maybe it’s bravery. Or maybe it’s just simply youth-ish stupidity, but I had someone cook for me! A 12-year old made me her favorite dish: pasta peach chicken it’s called and yes, that is the particular order in which you have to name the ingredients of this oven dish! 😉

