Would you dare to cook Pasta Peach Chicken for me?

peaches in a can illustration and recipe Pasta Peach Chicken by Edie eats Food Blog by Edith Dourleijn

Maybe it’s innocence. Maybe it’s bravery. Or maybe it’s just simply youth-ish stupidity, but I had someone cook for me! A 12-year old made me her favorite dish: pasta peach chicken it’s called and yes, that is the particular order in which you have to name the ingredients of this oven dish! 😉



Why checking Social Media in the morning is okay: Chicken in lemongrass coconut sauce

baby bok choy - illustration by Edie eats food blog - Edith Dourleijn small

There are various reasons why you shouldn’t grab for your phone first thing when you wake up.

But if you do, it can give you some inspiration what to cook that night. Like what happened to me last week with Nom Nom Paleo’s Chicken in Lemongrass Coconut Sauce. On her advice I combined it with bok choy: Bok Choy in 2 Soy Sauces that I made up on the go.

>> Be prepared to get hooked as well!