Can you call out a dish that you’ve only made once to the best ever? I really don’t hesitate doing so, so let me introduce you to the easiest and best mushrooms ever.
>> Try it!
Quick Wonton Ravioli with Mushrooms and Blue Cheese
“I never buy ready-made …<fill in the blanks>… anymore”.
Isn’t that the best compliment a cook can get? Someone said it after tasting these Quick Wonton Ravioli with Mushrooms and Blue Cheese.
Know what you cook Part 2! Venison stew with orange and cinnamon
Last week I showed that I cook about 80% of my dinners myself. But what do I cook when it not ends upon my blog Edie eats? Let’s talk about that now.
And cook the first dish I made in 2017: a Venison stew with orange and cinnamon.
Know what you cook! This Mushroom Soup for Champs, maybe?
On the right side of your screen (or below when you’re reading this mobile) I state that “Edie eats .. home cooked meals – every day“. No one asked me, but I was curious: how true is that?
If I may so myself, that’s very true! And to proof that, here are some numbers and the recipe for the Mushroom Soup for Champs that was the last dish I made in 2016.
“This is sooo good.” This = Leek Mushroom Galette with Labneh and Za’atar
Do you have those moments? That you cooked something, that you couldn’t stop talking about?
I do. And yes, I quoted myself in this blog’s title! 😉
It might overcome you when you make this Leek Mushroom Galette with za’atar and labneh.
How one led to another. This Turkish chicken stew with lots of veggies
What do you do, when you have no inspiration what to cook at all? I mean, when nothing seems to be the right dish for the day? Thankfully, I have a nice repertoire of useful recipes to fall back on, but I must admit, those aren’t my favorite cooking days.
I prefer the days when inspiration flows with every food item I see. Like that day I made up this Turkish chicken stew with lots of veggies.
Watching French men eat: Red wine chicken and mushrooms stew
The man reminded me of my … eh … Well, how to bename our relationship? I called him Uncle Henry. And what fascinated me most was the way he ate. The man in the restaurant brought back that captivation. I just love watching French men eat.
I couldn’t see his plate, but I guessed the modern Californian style restaurant at the Ferry Building in San Francisco didn’t serve him this French classic coq au vin, the famous Red wine chicken and mushrooms stew. But he would probably loves it, just like my late Uncle Henry did.
Chinese style dumpling duck soup with bok choy
Although I could imagine that it would happen, I couldn’t foresee in what way my cooking would change when migrating to California. Living in a city with two huge Chinese supermarkets, a smaller freezer and a new Japanese cookbook inspired me to this dish, which I probably wouldn’t have come up with, when I was still living in The Netherlands.
Meet my new recipe: Chinese style dumpling duck soup with bok choy!
How a white elephant led to a Japanese escarole and tofu hot pot
I don’t know if it was written in the stars, but last Saturday turned out to have Japanese ‘feel’ although I didn’t ate any Japanese food. I saved that for my first experiments with hot pot today. Playing with some leftovers, I invented a recipe for Japanese escarole and tofu hot pot with udon noodles.
Happiness at the Chinese supermarket
Where I lived before I moved to California, I was devoid from exciting new vegetables. In the big Chinese supermarket on my block I found two and made this Lemongrass flavored rice with edamame and pea shoots & grilled king oyster mushrooms.